"One must keep right on drawing; draw with your eyes when you cannot draw with a pencil." Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres
Ink Wash drawing of Rivers ca. 1993 Wonderful book by Robert Henri, "The Art Spirit." Watch out, life drawing students, we will be practicing memory drawing From Drawing to Painting Composition 101 Self Portraits Fun Fun Fun!!!! you are your best model. Cool Artists of the week Catherine Kehoe You can learn so much by just looking at these paintings. Catherine uses the least amount of detail but knows her value notan. Great compositions and color choices. Very very powerful. She is holding a workshop this summer in Tuscany. Very tempting. Look at her wonderful drawings! Always well designed! Hagit Barkai Emotion. Simple suggestions of form. Look Look Look! James Linkous It is what James leaves out that makes the image more powerful. Life drawing students - think twice, draw once. Katy Stone Contemporary drawing in 3-D. One of my passions. Katy uses dura lar with paint and drawing. Cut outs that utilize light to make shadow part of the drawing...