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Showing posts from April, 2013

"The important thing is to remember what most impressed you and to put it on canvas as fast as possible." Pierre Bonnard

Astrid - beautiful inside and out! Charcoal on Fabriano Artistico Those of you that attended the Steven Assael Workshops at the Boca Museum School know of his practice to clip his palette next to his painting for a seamless evaluation of color.  Look at this cool product by David Jon Kassan. The parallel palette comes in two sizes. Check this out! David Jon Kassan Beautiful blended skin tone palette. His technique differs from the full palette of Steven Assael. Different results, both exquisite.  Check out his sketchbook live videos. Be prepared to learn from this man. I just realized he is having a week long workshop in Civita Italy - one week painting from a nude model. I am finishing some of my life drawings and will be posting them on facebook and this blog.  Is anyone interested in small classes at my studio? My ideas are open and limited to up to 5 - 6 students. Cost will depend on demand and model fees. Life drawing with ...

"Moodling, a combination of musing and mental doodling, can lead to floating over any number of obstacles..." Jane Champangne

Lately, I have been working on portraits and figures. Confidence comes from practice. Always looking to push myself into different methods of describing form and feeling.  Cool Artists of the Week Chris Stevens Look how he challenges you with the placement of his images. The use of differing perspectives draws your attention. His experience and technical ability is complemented by great design. Mark Karnes Master of ink washes and draws like a painter. Look carefully at how he manipulates edges and shadows in his drawings. Karnes suggests reality - like a poem. Kathleen Dunphy I am in awe of this huge body of work from life. Dunphy paints from life - outdoors - in all weather.  Strong design and wonderful sense of color. Douglas McDougall Detail with imagination! Elisabetta Tevisan Magic! This is the last week of the term at Boca Museum School. I hope to see you all next term!