This Thursday we will experiment with opposite thinking about light. You will be drawing with white chalk on black paper. This exercise makes you think about light as pattern more clearly. You will make value strips to gauge your levels of grey to white.
As you can see from Megan's work (link below), White chalk drawings create an erie mood and can be quite subtle. From black, you may want to work into any dark color such as blue, brown or even red.
Please bring some black paper and white chalk. (I will bring extra for back up)
White chalk and pencils can be purchased at Utrecht. They are very inexpensive and are a great addition to your charcoal collection.
I will be bringing objects to draw. Please feel free to bring anything interesting you have at home. I stress drawing from life on this exercise. Anything can make an interesting drawing. You will see.
Check out the white on black artwork of Megan Greene
See you there!
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