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Showing posts from October, 2011

"I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it." Pablo Picasso

Time to sign up for Term 2 Classes at The Boca Raton Museum Art School Catalogue available online  Art School Catalogue   I am currently offering: 2.20 DRAWING FOUNDATIONS  - Learning to See Wednesday mornings 9 - 12 Fall in love with drawing! Learn skills you can use in painting, sculpture and design. Lots of cool handouts. 2.32 SEEING - KNOWING - DRAWING Wednesday afternoons 12:30 - 3:30 Use the skills learned in foundations to make successful finished drawings. Learn more about materials and techniques.  Push yourself with more challenging assignments. 3.28 LIFE DRAWING (Nudes!) Thursday afternoon 12:30 - 3:30 Learn how to mass the figure to catch directional thrust. Develop your own style from the knowledge of the form. I provide weekly handouts on artistic anatomy so you can study at home. Figure drawing is my personal passion. I practice every week. Wonderful comfortable environment. 3.25 and 3.26 ALL MEDI...

"Art is Nature speeded up and God slowed down," Chazal

Every month a group of respected artists/friends meet for "Critique group" This Sunday, the word of the afternoon was "destroy it! I'm bored!" How do we artists push ourselves to think differently? "Release yourself from yourself," Steve Assael I guess my aching arm, back and hand are trying to tell me to  "step away from the painting." Friday, I took my few painting students to the Boca Raton Museum of Art First, we wandered through Frederico Uribe's incredible installation He was awarded a grant from puma shoe company Created an entire rainforest from partially completed PUMA shoes IT IS A MUST SEE! Very refreshing, clever and fun. Frederico Uribe   Really look at how he found similar shapes He saw flowers in plumbing parts, wings in artificial nails. Here is an artist who thinks! Don't miss this exhibit! It will be leaving in early November. Juan Bautista Nieto  Unbelievable  Stunning...

"No quiet painter can hold the attention of a culture for long." -- Frank Stella

We're off to the Museum Friday after class!  Cool artists of the week.... Robert Liberace   Look at his pen and ink work as well as the beautiful portraits. Stunning figurative work. Check out his workshops! Karin Jurick OK, students! Check out "Museum Patrons" You are all invited to the Boca Museum of Art on Friday afternoon. Meet me at the museum after our afternoon class. Hurry - closing at 5 pm. Amanda Clyne   Incredibly interesting paintings. Connor Harrington  Spray paint and oils. Some on buildings, some in studio. Unusual for this medium - very well done. David Cheifetz  Knows his color! Luscious across the board.

"Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice, heart and intuition." - Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs 1955 - 2011 Mastermind of Mac and Apple products.  Simplicity for the masses. Isn't it so? How hard to stay true to your inner heart and intuition. It takes guts. Interesting article in September 2011 Artists magazine by Jane Jones. In the "Brushing up" section. Check out a diluted version of complementary compositions    Jones details different ways to use intensity (chroma) to control your focus The article has some great examples of simultaneous contrast I will bring it to class to show you - good example. Cool artists of the week Max Ferguson  Hyper real, extremely well composed.  Ferguson was trained in Amsterdam. He adheres canvas to aluminum. His portraits are incredible. Across the board, well done. Drawings, watercolors, oils, etchings.  Kent Lovelace  Gorgeous oil on copper. Featured in Sept. Artists Mag. He lives on Widbey Island, WA. Near where I used to live. A magical spot. Lovely li...

Gifts from the Sea!

Finally, a grouping of 12 pieces on my studio wall.  My dear friend, Amanda Miles, gave me a book by Anne Morrow Lindberg called "A Gift from the Sea." In the 1950's, Lindberg took a sabbatical from being the matriarch of a large family. She spent time in a beach cottage at Sanibel Island, FL. Her introspective time away from her family ultimately led her to compare the shapes of sea shells to passages of life as a woman and mother.  My imaginary shells were inspired from three words Lindberg used to connect the shells to motherhood. As you walk down the beach, you will notice that eroded shells were once cradles, shield and vessels. Inevitably, nearby will lie a piece of plastic that is almost untouched by the weather. Both elements are "discarded." Their purpose, somewhat like the seasons of a woman's role as a wife and mother, has changed. The connections between the function of the worn plastic and shell shapes inspired these compositions.  Th...