Finally, a grouping of 12 pieces on my studio wall.
My dear friend, Amanda Miles, gave me a book by Anne Morrow Lindberg called
"A Gift from the Sea." In the 1950's, Lindberg took a sabbatical from being the matriarch of a large family. She spent time in a beach cottage at Sanibel Island, FL. Her introspective time away from her family ultimately led her to compare the shapes of sea shells to passages of life as a woman and mother.
My imaginary shells were inspired from three words Lindberg used to connect the shells to motherhood. As you walk down the beach, you will notice that eroded shells were once cradles, shield and vessels. Inevitably, nearby will lie a piece of plastic that is almost untouched by the weather. Both elements are "discarded." Their purpose, somewhat like the seasons of a woman's role as a wife and mother, has changed. The connections between the function of the worn plastic and shell shapes inspired these compositions.
This week's class subjects:
Beginning Drawing - Drawing on the dark side! Remember to bring your black paper and white chalk. I love this one.
Life Drawing - Arms
Painting - We will tackle painting fabric folds. NO FEAR!
Cool artists of the week:
Chris Martin - incredibly large abstract paintings. Look in Art in America, October 2011, to see them installed at the Cocoran. Amazing!
Kristen Everberg Incredible theatre paintings. Oil and enamel on canvas on panel. Luscious!
Hayley Barker Very painterly land and nature scopes. Abstract, as all paintings truly are.
Terry St. John Great massing in the figures.
Janet Echelman - Ohh Ohh I love this! Net making sculptures.
Cayce Zavaglia - yes, they are embroidered! Incredible.
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